PwnageTool 2 Released !

Finally, the DevTeam has released the PwnageTool 2 ! So, now you can PWN your iPhone to the 2.0 firmware and can also jailbreak iPhone 3Gs !!!

Heres a screenshot of the PwangeTool2 :

DOWNLOAD NOW (The iFone Blog Mirror)


Tarun Wadhwa said…
Hi, firstly thanks to the Dev. Team, and congratulations as well. And thanks to Jash Sayani also for the email in my inbox about the update. I have a query though, I am on windows so this as of now is only a hope sign for me as I am gonna wait for WINPWN for 2.0, but I visited which says about the Jailbreak of iPhone 3G and not about unlock. But here I read about unlocking as well, which one should I consider as the right one. In case the unlock is not out for iPhone 3G, I can wait more and I wish this time the unlock and the WINPWN for 2.0 are released together. And again, GRRRRREAT work guys!
The iFone Blog said…
@tarun wadhwa
Well, as mentioned, the iPhone 2.0 is Jailbroken and unlocked BUT the iPhone 3G is jailbroken and NOT YET Unlocked. So, if you have a iPhone 3G, you can jailbreak it, but have to wait for the unlock.
And as of the Windows part, you can wait for Zibri's ZiPhone which will release soon now, OR get a Pwned ipsw image for a torrent site.
perinouk said…
hi, do you have instructions how to use the PWNAGE tool for the original iPhone?
The iFone Blog said…

Just posted a video tutorial on Pwning the iPhone !

Do leave comments...
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Hi I'm pretty much new to this stuff so if anyone can help me or drop in a link to my email for how to use my iphone 3g in europe I Will appreciate it very much I have the winpwn2.0.01 do I need another one or something else too I heard about some .exe file what is please someone help me thank you very much.
Robert at

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